Our organization is run by a dedicated team of volunteers who are passionate about promoting multiculturalism and inclusivity in the Sunshine Coast region. We believe that by working together and celebrating our differences, we can build stronger and more resilient communities that are better equipped to face the challenges of the modern world.

Executive Committe 2022 - 2024

President Image-Anurag Goswami
Anurag Goswami


Vice President Image - Vas Srinivasan
Dr Vas Srinivasan

Vice President

Secretory Image - Aru Pandita
Aru Pandita


Trasurer Image- Mayur Rawal
Mayur Rawal


Office Barrier Compliance Committee

action image-Nishant Pasrija
Nishant Pasrija

action image-Nishant Pasrija
Sanjay Rajput

Action Team image- Priya Pandita
Priya Pandita

Action Team image- Mital Rawal
Mital Rawal

Action Team image- Mital Rawal
Shruti Goswami

Action Team image- Mital Rawal
Amisha Tailor